My daughter Isla interacting with the Dig It! 2015 Website on the day of its launch.
Image copyright Victoria Stewart: victoriastewart@btinternet.com
Public Archaeology
Spring 2014
My daughter, Isla, had the honour of launching the website for ‘DigIt! 2015’, on the 15th march at Rouken Glen country park. Dig It! 2015 is a year long programme of events celebrating Scottish Archaeology. The aim is to encourage members of the public to become involved in their local history and landscape by collaborating with each other and local and national organisations.
I will also be taking part in the ‘Ask the Expert’ event on the 22nd march which is a one-off, one-day FREE conference for finding out everything you need to know about archaeological techniques and services in Scotland. Appropriately, I will be contributing to the Communication and Interpretation session, and will be demonstrating how I go about illustrating objects and ceramics, along with examples of my work.
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